Package org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.connector

Interface Summary
Authenticator Interface that defines an Authenticator.
Client Interface for Client implementations This interface is pretty lightweight at the moment.
Connector Describes a connector to a remote endpoint for a given user.
ConnectorProvider Contract to be implemented by any object that can provide a Connector to another object.
Credentials Interface that describes the credentials for a given service or user.
CredentialVault Interface for a Credential Vault Credential vaults allow for the storage and retrieval of credentials by credential id.
CredentialVaultProvider Interface for a Credential Vault provider

Class Summary
AbstractAuthenticator Abstract implementation of an Authenticator which can be used quite readily as a base class for your own custom implementations.
AbstractClient Abstract base class for use by developers who wish to provide additional custom client implementations.
AbstractConnector Abstract class for use by developers in building their own custom connectors.
AbstractPersistentCredentialVault An abstract implementation of a persistent credential vault where crednetials can be stored from a persistent location.
AlfrescoAuthenticator An implementation of an Alfresco ticket-based Authenticator.
AlfrescoConnector An implementation of an Alfresco Connector that can be used to conncet to an Alfresco Repository and issue URL invokes against it.
AuthenticatingConnector A special implementation of an Authenticating Connector.
ConnectorContext Describes invocation context that the connector should consider when creating the connection to the remote service.
ConnectorProviderImpl A very simple implementation of a connector provider that provisions web script connectors.
ConnectorService The ConnectorService acts as a singleton that can be used to build any of the objects utilized by the Connector layer.
ConnectorSession Container for Connector "session state".
CredentialsImpl Credentials for a given user.
EndpointManager The EndpointManager is responsible for maintaining connection timeout and connection retry information for endpoints.
HttpConnector Basic Connector implementation that can be used to perform simple HTTP and HTTP communication with a remote endpoint.
RemoteClient Remote client for for accessing data from remote URLs.
Response Representation of the response from a remote HTTP API call.
ResponseStatus Wrapper around the Status object that allows the Remote Client to expose header state.
SimpleCredentialVault A simple implementation of a credential vault that does not persist anything to disk or database.
SimpleCredentialVaultProvider Provides instances of credential vaults
User Default user profile object.
UserContext Describes bound-context for a given user.
XMLCredentialVault A basic implementation of a persistent credential vault where credentials are stored in XML on disk.
XMLCredentialVaultProvider Provides instances of credential vaults

Enum Summary

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