Uses of Class

Packages that use RendererExecutionException   

Uses of RendererExecutionException in

Subclasses of RendererExecutionException in
 class ChromeRendererExecutionException
 class ComponentRendererExecutionException
 class PageRendererExecutionException
 class RegionRendererExecutionException
 class ResourceLoaderException
          An exception raised when a resource fails to load its metadata
 class ResourceMetadataException
          An exception raised when a resource fails to load its metadata
 class TemplateRendererExecutionException

Uses of RendererExecutionException in

Methods in that throw RendererExecutionException
 void Renderer.all(RenderContext renderContext)
          Executes the renderer in the "all" mode
 void AbstractRenderer.all(RenderContext context)
 void Renderer.body(RenderContext renderContext)
          Executes the renderer in the "body" mode
abstract  void AbstractRenderer.body(RenderContext context)
 void Processor.execute(ProcessorContext processorContext, RenderFocus focus)
          Executes the given focus of the processor output using the given processor context
 void AbstractProcessor.execute(ProcessorContext processorContext, RenderFocus focus)
 void Processor.executeBody(ProcessorContext processorContext)
          Executes the "body" of the processor output using the given processor context.
abstract  void AbstractProcessor.executeBody(ProcessorContext processorContext)
 void Processor.executeFooter(ProcessorContext processorContext)
          Executes the "footer" of the processor output using the given processor context.
 void AbstractProcessor.executeFooter(ProcessorContext processorContext)
 void Processor.executeHeader(ProcessorContext processorContext)
          Executes the "header" of the processor output using the given processor context.
 void AbstractProcessor.executeHeader(ProcessorContext processorContext)
 void Renderer.footer(RenderContext renderContext)
          Executes the renderer in the "footer" mode
 void AbstractRenderer.footer(RenderContext context)
 void Renderer.header(RenderContext renderContext)
          Executes the renderer in the "head" mode
 void AbstractRenderer.header(RenderContext context)
protected  void AbstractRenderer.print(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String str)
          Commits the given string to the response output stream
protected static void AbstractRenderer.print(RenderContext context, String str)
          Commits the given string to the response output stream
 void RenderService.processComponent(RenderContext context, RenderFocus renderFocus, Component component)
          Executes the processor for the given render focus on the given component instance.
 void RenderService.processRenderable(RenderContext context, RenderFocus renderFocus, Renderable renderable)
          Executes the processor for the given focus on the provided renderable object.
 void RenderService.processTemplate(RenderContext context, RenderFocus renderFocus, TemplateInstance template)
          Executes the processor for the given render focus on the given template instance.
 void Renderer.render(RenderContext renderContext, RenderFocus focus)
          Executes the renderer in the given focus
 void AbstractRenderer.render(RenderContext context, RenderFocus focus)
 void RenderService.renderComponent(RenderContext parentContext, RenderFocus renderFocus, String componentId)
          Entry point for the rendering a single identified component with the default chrome.
 void RenderService.renderComponent(RenderContext parentContext, RenderFocus renderFocus, String componentId, String overrideChromeId)
          Entry point for the rendering a component with the given chrome.
 void RenderService.renderContent(RenderContext parentContext, RenderFocus renderFocus)
          Entry point for the rendering of the current content item as provided by the request context.
 boolean RenderService.renderErrorHandlerPage(RenderContext parentContext, String errorHandlerPageId)
          Renders a default error handler page A system page can be configured to handle a fault state for the web framework.
 void RenderService.renderModelObject(RenderContext renderContext)
          Renders the ALL focus for the given model object
 void RenderService.renderModelObject(RenderContext renderContext, RenderFocus renderFocus)
          Renders the specific focus for the given model object
 void RenderService.renderPage(RenderContext parentContext, RenderFocus renderFocus)
          Entry point for the rendering of the current page as provided by the request context.
 void RenderService.renderRawComponent(RenderContext parentContext, RenderFocus renderFocus, Component component)
 void RenderService.renderRawComponent(RenderContext parentContext, RenderFocus renderFocus, String componentId)
 void RenderService.renderRegion(RenderContext parentContext, RenderFocus renderFocus, String templateId, String regionId, String regionScopeId, String overrideChromeId)
          Entry point for the rendering a region of a given template
 void RenderService.renderRegionComponents(RenderContext parentContext)
          Renders the components of the region described by the render context This method is generally called from the region include tag.
 boolean RenderService.renderSystemPage(RenderContext parentContext, String systemPageId)
          Renders a default system page A system container is a page fragment that is rendered as a container of other elements like components.
 String RenderService.renderTemplateHeaderAsString(RenderContext parentContext)
          Generates text to be inserted into template markup head for a given renderer context.

Uses of RendererExecutionException in

Methods in that throw RendererExecutionException
 void TemplateInstanceRenderer.body(RenderContext parentContext)
          Renders the current template
 void RegionRenderer.body(RenderContext parentContext)
 void PageRenderer.body(RenderContext parentContext)
          Renders the current page
 void ComponentRenderer.body(RenderContext parentContext)
 void ChromeRenderer.body(RenderContext parentContext)
 void JSPProcessor.executeBody(ProcessorContext pc)
 void JSPProcessor.executeHeader(ProcessorContext pc)
 void PageRenderer.footer(RenderContext context)
          Renders the footer for the page
 void TemplateInstanceRenderer.header(RenderContext parentContext)
 void RegionRenderer.header(RenderContext parentContext)
 void PageRenderer.header(RenderContext context)
          Renders the header for the page
 void ComponentRenderer.header(RenderContext parentContext)
protected  void WebStudioTemplateInstanceRenderer.include(RenderContext context, String path, boolean doSubstitutions)
 void WebStudioTemplateInstanceRenderer.postHeaderProcess(RenderContext context)
 void TemplateInstanceRenderer.postHeaderProcess(RenderContext context)
protected  void WebStudioTemplateInstanceRenderer.printApplicationConfig(RenderContext context)

Uses of RendererExecutionException in

Methods in that throw RendererExecutionException
 void EmptyRegionRenderer.executeBody(ProcessorContext pc)
 void EmptyRegionRenderer.executeHeader(ProcessorContext pc)

Uses of RendererExecutionException in org.springframework.extensions.webscripts

Methods in org.springframework.extensions.webscripts that throw RendererExecutionException
 void WebScriptProcessor.executeBody(ProcessorContext pc)
 void FreemarkerProcessor.executeBody(ProcessorContext pc)
 void WebScriptProcessor.executeHeader(ProcessorContext pc)
 void FreemarkerProcessor.executeHeader(ProcessorContext pc)
static void ProcessorModelHelper.populateTemplateModel(RenderContext context, Map<String,Object> model)
          Populate the model for template processor.

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