Uses of Interface

Packages that use RequestContext   

Uses of RequestContext in

Classes in that implement RequestContext
 class WrappedRequestContext

Methods in that return RequestContext
static RequestContext FrameworkUtil.getCurrentRequestContext()
          Retrieves the request context for the current thread.
 RequestContext WrappedRequestContext.getOriginalContext()
 RequestContext RequestContextFactory.newInstance(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
          Produces a new RequestContext instance for a given request.

Methods in with parameters of type RequestContext
 void PageMapper.execute(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
          Execute the page mapper against the given request and populate into the provided request context instance.
 User UserFactory.faultUser(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Loads a user from the remote user store and store it into the session.
 User UserFactory.faultUser(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, boolean force)
          Loads a user from the remote user store and stores it into the session.
 User UserFactory.faultUser(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String endpoint)
          Loads a user from the remote user store and store it into the session.
 User UserFactory.faultUser(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String endpoint, boolean force)
          Loads a user from the remote user store and stores it into the session.
static Connector FrameworkUtil.getConnector(RequestContext context, String endpointId)
          Creates an authenticated connector to a given endpoint.
static ConnectorSession FrameworkUtil.getConnectorSession(RequestContext context, String endpointId)
          Retrieves the Connector Session instance for the current user and given endpoint.
static CredentialVault FrameworkUtil.getCredentialVault(RequestContext context, String userId)
          Retrieves the session-bound credential vault for a given user.
 User UserFactory.loadUser(RequestContext context, String userId)
          Loads a user object from the default endpoint.
 User UserFactory.loadUser(RequestContext context, String userId, String endpointId)
          Loads a user object from the given endpoint.
 String LinkBuilder.object(RequestContext context, String objectId)
          Constructs a link to a given object.
 String LinkBuilder.object(RequestContext context, String objectId, String formatId)
          Constructs a link to a given object.
 String LinkBuilder.object(RequestContext context, String objectId, String formatId, Map<String,String> params)
          Constructs a link to a given object.
 String context, String pageId)
          Constructs a link to a given page instance.
 String context, String pageId, String formatId)
          Constructs a link to a given page for a given format.
 String context, String pageId, String formatId, String objectId)
          Constructs a link to a given page for a given format.
 String context, String pageId, String formatId, String objectId, Map<String,String> params)
          Constructs a link to a given page for a given format.
 String LinkBuilder.pageType(RequestContext context, String pageTypeId)
          Constructs a link to a given page type.
 String LinkBuilder.pageType(RequestContext context, String pageTypeId, String formatId)
          Constructs a link to a given page type for a given format.
 String LinkBuilder.pageType(RequestContext context, String pageTypeId, String formatId, String objectId)
          Constructs a link to a given page type for a given format.
 String LinkBuilder.pageType(RequestContext context, String pageTypeId, String formatId, String objectId, Map<String,String> params)
          Constructs a link to a given page type for a given format.
static void FrameworkUtil.removeConnectorSessions(RequestContext context)
          Removes all session-bound Connector Sessions for the current user

Constructors in with parameters of type RequestContext
WrappedRequestContext(RequestContext context)

Uses of RequestContext in

Methods in with parameters of type RequestContext
 boolean VirtualizedResourceController.checkRemoteResourceExists(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String path, String endpointId, String storeId, String webappId)
          Checks for the existence of a resource on a remote store
protected static void PageView.debug(RequestContext context, String value)
          Debug logger helper function.
 void SystemPageView.setupRequestContext(RequestContext context, Map model)
          Sets up the request context with page binding information
 void ErrorHandlerPageView.setupRequestContext(RequestContext context, Map model)
          Sets up the request context with page binding information
 void TemplateView.setupRequestContext(RequestContext context, Map model, String templateId)
          Sets up the request context with page binding information
 void PageView.setupRequestContext(RequestContext context, Map model, String pageId)
          Sets up the request context with page binding information

Uses of RequestContext in

Subinterfaces of RequestContext in
 interface RenderContext
          Defines a render response context

Classes in that implement RequestContext
 class AbstractRenderContext
          An abstract base class which developers can use to extend and build their own implementations of render context types.
 class WrappedRenderContext
          A render context instance is available to all rendering engines and provides a convenient grab bag of things that are useful to component or template developer.

Methods in that return RequestContext
 RequestContext AbstractRenderContext.getRequestContext()

Methods in with parameters of type RequestContext
static Object RenderUtil.getComponentBindingSourceObject(RequestContext context, Component component)
          Returns the object to which this component is bound This is the same as calling component.getSourceObject()
static String RenderUtil.getSourceId(RequestContext context, String scopeId)
          Return the "source" ID for the given scope ID for the supplied context.
static void RenderUtil.object(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String objectId, String formatId)
          /** Renders the fully formed URL string for a link to a given content object
static void context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String pageId, String formatId, String objectId)
          Renders the fully formed URL string for a link to a given page
static void RenderUtil.pageType(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String pageTypeId, String formatId, String objectId)
          Renders the fully formed URL string for a link to a given page type
 RenderContext RenderContextProvider.provide(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Provides a root RenderContext which wraps the request context and servlet objects The render context is set to the VIEW render mode.
abstract  RenderContext AbstractRenderContextProvider.provide(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
 RenderContext RenderContextProvider.provide(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, RenderMode renderMode)
          Provides a root RenderContext which wraps the request context and servlet objects
 RenderContext AbstractRenderContextProvider.provide(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, RenderMode renderMode)
 RenderContext RenderService.provideRenderContext(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Provides a new render context bound to the given model object This will use the VIEW render mode
 RenderContext RenderService.provideRenderContext(RequestContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, RenderMode renderMode)
          Provides a new render context bound to the given model object
static String RenderUtil.renderLinkImport(RequestContext context, String href)
          Renders an HTML stylesheet tag.
static String RenderUtil.renderLinkImport(RequestContext context, String href, String id)
          Renders an HTML stylesheet tag.
static String RenderUtil.renderScriptImport(RequestContext context, String src)
          Renders an HTML

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