Uses of Interface

Packages that use ModelObject   

Uses of ModelObject in

Methods in that return ModelObject
 ModelObject ModelObjectPersister.getObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectId)
          Gets an object from persisted storage by id
 ModelObject ModelObjectManager.getObject(String objectTypeId, String objectId)
          Retrieves an object from the persister that manages the given object type.
 ModelObject ModelObjectPersister.newObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectId)
          Creates a new object
 ModelObject ModelObjectManager.newObject(String objectTypeId)
          Create a new object.
 ModelObject ModelObjectManager.newObject(String objectTypeId, String objectId)
          Create a new object.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ModelObject
 Map<String,ModelObject> ModelObjectPersister.getAllObjects(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId)
          Returns a map of all of the objects referenced by this persister.
 Map<String,ModelObject> ModelObjectManager.getAllObjects(String objectTypeId)
          Retrieves all objects of a given type id.
 Map<String,ModelObject> ModelObjectManager.getAllObjects(String objectTypeId, String filter)
          Retrieves all objects of a given type id with the given object ID filter
 Map<String,ModelObject> ModelObjectPersister.getAllObjectsByFilter(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectIdPattern)
          Returns a map of all of the objects referenced by this persister filtered by the given ID filter.

Methods in with parameters of type ModelObject
 boolean ModelObjectPersister.hasObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject object)
          Checks whether the given object is persisted
static boolean ModelHelper.isCustomProperty(ModelObject object, String propertyName)
          Determines whether the given property is a custom property for the given object
static boolean ModelHelper.isModelProperty(ModelObject object, String propertyName)
          Determines whether the given property is a non-custom (or model) property for the given object.
 boolean ModelObjectManager.removeObject(ModelObject object)
          Removes the object.
 boolean ModelObjectPersister.removeObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject object)
          Removes an object from persisted storage
static void ModelHelper.resetId(ModelObject object, String id)
          Allows model object ids to be set manually
 boolean ModelObjectManager.saveObject(ModelObject object)
          Saves the object to its persister.
 boolean ModelObjectPersister.saveObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject object)
          Saves an object to persisted storage

Uses of ModelObject in

Classes in that implement ModelObject
static class ModelObjectCache.ModelObjectSentinel
          Singleton sentinel class used to represent a 'null' value in the cache

Methods in that return ModelObject
 ModelObject ModelObjectCache.get(String key)

Uses of ModelObject in

Fields in with type parameters of type ModelObject
protected  Map<String,BasicCache<ModelObject>> AbstractCachedObjectPersister.caches

Methods in that return ModelObject
protected  ModelObject AbstractCachedObjectPersister.cacheGet(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectId)
          Returns an object from the cache
protected  ModelObject ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.createObject(org.dom4j.Document document, String objectTypeId, String objectId, String path)
 ModelObject StoreObjectPersister.getObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectId)
 ModelObject ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.getObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectId)
 ModelObject MultiObjectPersister.getObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectId)
protected  ModelObject ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.getObjectByPath(ModelPersistenceContext context, String path)
          Retrieves an object from the underlying store by path This performs an interrogation of the underlying document to determine its object type and object id.
 ModelObject ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.newObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectId)
 ModelObject MultiObjectPersister.newObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectId)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ModelObject
protected  BasicCache<ModelObject> StoreObjectPersister.createCache()
protected  BasicCache<ModelObject> ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.createCache()
protected  BasicCache<ModelObject> AbstractCachedObjectPersister.createCache()
          Creates the cache.
 Map<String,ModelObject> StoreObjectPersister.getAllObjects(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId)
 Map<String,ModelObject> ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.getAllObjects(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId)
 Map<String,ModelObject> MultiObjectPersister.getAllObjects(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId)
 Map<String,ModelObject> StoreObjectPersister.getAllObjectsByFilter(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectIdFilter)
 Map<String,ModelObject> ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.getAllObjectsByFilter(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String objectIdPattern)
 Map<String,ModelObject> MultiObjectPersister.getAllObjectsByFilter(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String filter)
protected  BasicCache<ModelObject> AbstractCachedObjectPersister.getCache(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId)
          Gets the cache for a particular model persistence context
protected  Map<String,ModelObject> StoreObjectPersister.getObjectsFromPaths(ModelPersistenceContext context, String objectTypeId, String[] docPaths)
protected  Map<String,ModelObject> ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.loadObjectsAndDependents(ModelPersistenceContext context, org.dom4j.Document document, String objectTypeId, String objectId, String path)

Methods in with parameters of type ModelObject
protected  void AbstractCachedObjectPersister.cachePut(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject obj)
          Places an object into this persister's cache.
 boolean MultiObjectPersister.hasObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject object)
 boolean AbstractObjectPersister.hasObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject object)
 boolean MultiObjectPersister.removeObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject object)
 boolean AbstractObjectPersister.removeObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject object)
 boolean StoreObjectPersister.saveObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject modelObject)
 boolean ReadOnlyStoreObjectPersister.saveObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject modelObject)
 boolean MultiObjectPersister.saveObject(ModelPersistenceContext context, ModelObject object)

Uses of ModelObject in

Classes in that implement ModelObject
 class AbstractRenderableModelObject
          Abstract base class for a renderable model object.

Fields in declared as ModelObject
protected  ModelObject AbstractRenderContext.object

Methods in that return ModelObject
 ModelObject WrappedRenderContext.getObject()
 ModelObject RenderContext.getObject()
 ModelObject AbstractRenderContext.getObject()

Methods in with parameters of type ModelObject
 Renderer RenderService.getRenderer(ModelObject modelObject)
          Gets a renderer for the given model object type (i.e.
 void RenderContextProvider.merge(RenderContext renderContext, ModelObject modelObject)
          Merges a model object into the render context.
abstract  void AbstractRenderContextProvider.merge(RenderContext renderContext, ModelObject modelObject)
 void RenderService.mergeRenderContext(RenderContext renderContext, ModelObject modelObject)
          Merges a model object into the given render context.
 RenderContext RenderContextProvider.provide(RenderContext renderContext, ModelObject modelObject)
          Provides a RenderContext based on a current render context.
 RenderContext AbstractRenderContextProvider.provide(RenderContext renderContext, ModelObject modelObject)
 RenderContext RenderService.provideRenderContext(RenderContext renderContext, ModelObject modelObject)
          Provides a new render context instance which inherits properties from the given render context instance The given model object will be bound to the render context.
 void WrappedRenderContext.setObject(ModelObject modelObject)
 void RenderContext.setObject(ModelObject modelObject)
 void AbstractRenderContext.setObject(ModelObject object)

Uses of ModelObject in

Methods in with parameters of type ModelObject
 void DefaultRenderContextProvider.merge(RenderContext renderContext, ModelObject modelObject)

Uses of ModelObject in

Fields in declared as ModelObject
protected  ModelObject ModelObjectResourceProvider.object

Methods in with parameters of type ModelObject
protected static org.dom4j.Element ModelObjectResourceProvider.getResourceElement(ModelObject object, String name)
          Gets the resource element.
protected static org.dom4j.Element ModelObjectResourceProvider.getResourcesElement(ModelObject object)
          Gets the resources element.

Constructors in with parameters of type ModelObject
ModelObjectResourceProvider(ModelObject object)
          Instantiates a new model object resource provider.

Uses of ModelObject in

Methods in that return ModelObject
 ModelObject Model.clone(String objectTypeId, String objectId)
          Clones a given model object
 ModelObject Model.clone(String objectTypeId, String objectId, String newObjectId)
          Clones a given model object
 ModelObject Model.getObject(String objectTypeId, String objectId)
          Gets an object instance of the given type and with the given id.
 ModelObject Model.newObject(String objectTypeId)
          Creates a new object instance with the given object type id.
 ModelObject Model.newObject(String objectTypeId, String objectId)
          Creates new object instance with teh given object type id and object id.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ModelObject
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findChrome()
          Returns a map of Chrome instances
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findChrome(String chromeType)
          Returns a filtered map of Chrome instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findComponents()
          Returns a map of Component instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findComponents(String componentTypeId)
          Returns a filtered map of Component instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findComponents(String scope, String regionId, String sourceId, String componentTypeId)
          Returns a filtered map of Component instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findComponentTypes()
          Returns a map of Component Type instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findComponentTypes(String uri)
          Returns a fitlered map of Component Type instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findConfigurations()
          Returns a map of Configuration instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findConfigurations(String sourceId)
          Returns a filtered map of Configuration instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findContentAssociations()
          Returns a map of Content Association instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findContentAssociations(String sourceId, String sourceType, String destId, String assocType, String formatId)
          Returns a filtered map of Content Association instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findObjects(String objectTypeId)
          Returns a map of objects of the given type
protected  Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findObjects(String objectTypeId, Map<String,Object> propertyConstraintMap)
          Filtering function that looks up objects of a given type id and then applies the provided property constraint map.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findPageAssociations()
          Returns a map of Page Association instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findPageAssociations(String sourceId, String destId, String associationType)
          Returns a filtered map of Page Association instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findPages()
          Returns a map of Page instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findPages(String templateId, String pageTypeId)
          Returns a filtered map of Page instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findPageTypes()
          Returns a map of Page Type instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findTemplates()
          Returns a map of Template instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findTemplates(String templateType)
          Returns a filtered map of Template instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findTemplateTypes()
          Returns a map of Template Type instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findTemplateTypes(String uri)
          Returns a filtered map of Template Type instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.findThemes()
          Returns a map of Theme instances.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.getAllObjects(String objectTypeId)
          Returns a map with all object instances of the given type.
 Map<String,ModelObject> Model.getAllObjects(String objectTypeId, String objectIdPattern)
          Returns a map with all object instances of the given type filtered by the given object ID filter pattern.

Methods in with parameters of type ModelObject
 boolean Model.removeObject(ModelObject object)
          Removes the given object.
 boolean Model.saveObject(ModelObject object)
          Saves the given object.

Uses of ModelObject in

Subinterfaces of ModelObject in
 interface Chrome
          Interface for a Chrome object type
 interface Component
          Interface for a Component object type
 interface ComponentType
          Interface for a ComponentType object type
 interface Configuration
          Interface for a Configuration object type
 interface ContentAssociation
          Interface for a ContentAssociation object type
 interface Page
          Interface for a Page object type
 interface PageAssociation
          Interface for a PageAssociation object type
 interface PageType
          Interface for a PageType object type
 interface TemplateInstance
          Interface for a TemplateInstance object type
 interface TemplateType
          Interface for a TemplateType object type
 interface Theme
          Interface for a Theme object type

Classes in that implement ModelObject
 class AbstractModelObject
          Abstract base class that can be extended to introduce custom model objects into the framework.
 class ChromeImpl
          Default chrome implementation
 class ComponentImpl
          Default component implementation
 class ComponentTypeImpl
          Default component type implementation
 class ConfigurationImpl
          Default configuration implementation
 class ContentAssociationImpl
          Default content association implementation
 class PageAssociationImpl
          Default page association implementation
 class PageImpl
          Default page implementation
 class PageTypeImpl
          Default page type implementation
 class TemplateInstanceImpl
          Default template instance implementation
 class TemplateTypeImpl
          Default template type implementation
 class ThemeImpl
          Default theme implementation

Methods in that return ModelObject
 ModelObject ContentAssociationImpl.getObject(RequestContext context)
 ModelObject ContentAssociation.getObject(RequestContext context)
          Gets the object that is being associated.

Uses of ModelObject in org.springframework.extensions.webscripts

Methods in org.springframework.extensions.webscripts that return ModelObject
 ModelObject ScriptResources.getModelObject()
          Returns the model object
 ModelObject ScriptModelObject.getModelObject()
          Returns the model object

Methods in org.springframework.extensions.webscripts with parameters of type ModelObject
static ScriptableMap ScriptHelper.toScriptableMap(RequestContext context, ModelObject[] modelObjects)
          Creates a Scriptable Map for a given array of model objects
static ScriptModelObject ScriptHelper.toScriptModelObject(RequestContext context, ModelObject modelObject)
          Wraps a ModelObject with a script wrapper to produce a ScriptModelObject that can be used by the script and Freemarker engines.
static Object[] ScriptHelper.toScriptModelObjectArray(RequestContext context, ModelObject[] modelObjects)
          Converts an array of ModelObjects to an array of ScriptModelObjects which can be used by the script and Freemarker engines.

Method parameters in org.springframework.extensions.webscripts with type arguments of type ModelObject
static ScriptableMap ScriptHelper.toScriptableMap(RequestContext context, Map<String,ModelObject> objects)
          Creates a Scriptable Map for a given map of model objects
static Object[] ScriptHelper.toScriptModelObjectArray(RequestContext context, Map<String,ModelObject> objects)
          Converts a map of model objects to an array of ScriptModelObjects which can be used by the script and Freemarker engines.

Constructors in org.springframework.extensions.webscripts with parameters of type ModelObject
ScriptModelObject(RequestContext context, ModelObject modelObject)
          Instantiates a new script model object.
ScriptResources(RequestContext context, ModelObject modelObject)
          Instantiates a new resources object

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