Package org.springframework.extensions.webscripts

Interface Summary
Authenticator Web Script Authenticator for the HTTP Servlet environment
Container Web Script Container
Description Web Script Description
Description.RequiredCache Caching requirements
Description.RequiredTransactionParameters Transaction Requirements
DescriptionExtension Web Script Description Extension Provides a Web Script custom service implementation with the ability to maintain custom description entries.
FormatReader<Type> Convert a mimetype to a Java object.
FormatWriter<Type> Converts a Java Object to a mimetype
Path Web Script Path
PreviewContextProvider Provides remote sandbox context information to Alfresco Store implementations.
Registry Web Scripts Registry
Runtime Web Script Runtime
RuntimeContainer Web Script Container extensions for a Web Script Runtime
ScriptableMap<K,V> Contract to be implemented by classes providing Map like collections to JavaScript.
ScriptContent Web Script Content
ScriptLoader Locate a script
ScriptProcessor Web Script Processor
ServerModel Script / Template Model representing the server hosting the Web Script Framework
StatusTemplateFactory Interface to enable the lazy retrieval of the template and associated model corresponding to a particular webscript status code.
Store Store for holding Web Script Definitions and Implementations
TemplateProcessor Web Script Template Processor
UriIndex Encapsulates the mapping of URIs to Web Scripts
WebScript Web Script
WebScriptRequest Web Script Request
WebScriptResponse Web Script Response
WrappingWebScriptRequest Wrapping Web Script Request
WrappingWebScriptResponse Wrapping Web Script Response

Class Summary
AbstractRuntime Encapsulates the execution of a single Web Script.
AbstractRuntimeContainer Encapsulates a Container within which the Web Script Runtime executes.
AbstractStore Abstract store class provided as a convenience for developers who wish to build their own custom Store implementations for use with the Web Script framework.
AbstractWebScript Abstract implementation of a Web Script
AbstractWebScript.ScriptDetails The combination of a ScriptContent and a request MIME type.
ArgReplaceMethod Custom FreeMarker Template language method.
Cache Web Script Cache Records the desired cache requirements for the Web Script
ClassPathStore ClassPath based Web Script Store
ConfigModel Abstract base class used for objects that represent configuration as a root object in a script or template model.
DeclarativeRegistry Registry of declarative (scripted/template driven) Web Scripts
DeclarativeWebScript Script/template driven based implementation of an Web Script
DescriptionImpl Implementation of a Web Script Description
FormatAdaptorSet Set of Format Readers and Writers.
FormatMap A map of mimetypes indexed by format.
FormatModel Format Model This class is immutable.
FormatRegistry Maintains a registry of mimetypes (indexed by format and user agent)
FormatWriterMethod Custom FreeMarker Template language method.
ISO8601DateFormatMethod NOTE: sourced from org.alfresco.repo.template.ISO8601DateFormatMethod.
JarStore Read only store implementation that can be mounted against a JAR file.
JaxRSUriIndex JSR-311 (Jax-RS) URI Index
Match Represents a URI to Web Script match This class is immutable.
MediaType Represents a MediaType as described at
MultiScriptLoader Composite script loader
NativeMap Wrapper for exposing maps in Rhino scripts.
NegotiatedFormat Map between media type and format This class is immutable.
PathImpl Basic implementation of a Web Script Path Used for package & url trees.
PrefixTemplateUriIndex Uri index supporting simple URI templates where matching is performed on static prefix of the URI.
PresentationContainer Presentation (web tier) Web Script Container
PreviewContext Provides information about the WCM sandbox which is currently being previewed.
RemoteStore Store implementation that queries and retrieves documents from a remote HTTP endpoint.
RequestReader Convert request stream to class org.alfresco.util.Content
ScriptableLinkedHashMap<K,V> Implementation of a Scriptable Map.
ScriptableUtils Collection of script utility methods for working with strings etc.
ScriptableWrappedMap Implementation of a Scriptable Map.
ScriptConfigModel Model representation of configuration for use in scripts.
ScriptCredentialVault Represents the credential vault to the script engine This exposes credentials from the vault which are "user" managed
ScriptDebugger Alfresco implementation of Rhino JavaScript debugger
ScriptLogger NOTE: Copied from org.alfresco.repo.jscript
ScriptMessage Helper to resolve an I18N message for JS scripts.
ScriptProcessorRegistrar Helper bean for registering script processors with the web script script processor registry
ScriptProcessorRegistry Registry of Script Processors If no processors are registered, the default script processor is the javascript processor.
ScriptRemote Root-scope class that provides useful functions for working with endpoints, connectors and credentials.
ScriptRemoteConnector Describes a connector to a remote endpoint.
ScriptUrlMethod Custom FreeMarker Template language method.
ScriptValueConverter Value Converter to marshal objects between Java and Javascript.
SearchPath Web Script Storage
Status Web Script Status Records the outcome of a Web Script.
StatusTemplate Status Template
TemplateConfigModel Model representation of configuration for use in scripts.
TemplateProcessorRegistrar Helper bean for registering template processors with the web script template processor registry
TemplateProcessorRegistry Registry of Template Processors If no processors are registered, the default script processor is the freemarker processor.
TransactionParameters Web Script Transaction Parameters Records the desired transaction requirements for the Web Script
UriTemplate Class representing a Uri Template - with basic {token} format support.
UrlEncodeMethod Custom FreeMarker Template language method.
URLModel Script / Template Model representing Web Script URLs This class is immutable.
WebScriptRequestImpl Basic Implementation of a Web Script Request
WebScriptRequestURLImpl Web Script Request implementation that acts upon a string representation of a URL
WebScriptResponseImpl Basic Implementation of a Web Script Request
WebScriptServletRequest Deprecated.  
WebScriptServletResponse Deprecated.  
WebScriptStatus Deprecated.  

Enum Summary
Description.FormatStyle Enumeration of ways to specify format
Description.Lifecycle Enumeration of lifecycle which indicates the status of this web script
Description.RequiredAuthentication Enumeration of "required" Authentication level
Description.RequiredTransaction Enumeration of "required" Transaction level
Description.TransactionCapability Enumeration of transaction capability
Format Well known Web Script Formats
Match.Kind Kind of Match

Exception Summary
WebScriptException Web Script Exceptions.

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