Project Summary

Project Information

Field Value
Name Maven alfresco Extension archetype
Description This archetype developed aims to provide a standardized approach to development, release and deployment of Alfresco extensions (as opposed to AMP builds, to be released as a different artifact ). Using standard m2 lifecycle commands (mvn compile package deploy) and generally available plugins (cargo, release, assembly) we are able to cover a very high percentage of Alfresco lifecycle common use cases. It can be used both with Maven2 and Ant build systems, but it must be clear that *only* the Maven2 approach provides all the automation features we will describe in this website. In addition to that the m2 approach provides a zero-conf approach while ant requires (as usual) manual gathering and selection of required alfresco libraries and webapp (please refer to README-ant.txt for further info about the Ant build). Last but not the least, m2 build is more likely to be maintained and improved (especially in the likely case Alfresco moves to maven2). For more details on the m2 apprach please refer instead to README Section (or directly and to README-m2.txt of the generated project).

Project Organization

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Name Maven Alfresco Community

Build Information

Field Value
GroupId com.sourcesense.alfresco
ArtifactId maven-alfresco-extension-archetype
Version 1.9.1
Type maven-archetype