Maven Alfresco SDK™ Pre-Requisites

The only real prerequisite of the Maven Alfresco SDK™ Apache Maven 3.0.3+ installed (and properly configured) on your machine; neither an IDE nor web container or database are required.

Additional tips:

  • It is strongly advised to use the Apache Maven official binary distributions downloaded from the official mirrors; avoid OS-specific distributions as much as possible.
  • add MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx1G -XX:PermSize=300m" to your environment if your plan to launch tests / run embedded in Jetty
  • Alfresco compability: Communtiy 4.2+ | Enterprise 4.1.2+
  • Java 1.7 is required to run Alfresco 4.2.b+
  • No manual downloading of Alfresco distribution is required. Alfresco platform is retrieved automatically from the Alfresco Artifacts Repository based on the alfresco.groupId and alfresco.version POM properties

H2 Embedded Support Pre-Requisites

This SDK allows H2 embedded run of Alfresco (NOTE: this is an unsupported configuration for Alfresco Enterprise) leveraging the open source effort Alfresco H2 Support. This bridge allows to emulate Alfresco expected DB behavior and is therefore very specific to every Alfresco version.

Maven Alfresco SDK™ 1.1.0 uses version 1.5 of the Alfresco H2 Support. In case you experience issues with the embedded DB support, please check the H2 Support Compatibility matrix.

Alternatively, you can easily setup your DB access by defining POM properties