Why would you use the Maven Alfresco SDK™?

As a standard de facto, Maven allows you projects to be inherently more reusable and enables process reuse of your development practices, and, in certain successful cases, Application Lifecycle Management process at large.

Therefore Alfresco Community and Enterprise developers, architects and project managers are the main stakeholders of this tentative to simplify Alfresco development. Hope this helps :)

Developer features

  • No manual downloading of Alfresco distribution. It's all retrieved from the Alfresco Artifacts Repository
  • IDE-independent SDK, features are provided by Apache Maven, which is the sole prerequisite to use this SDK
  • No IDE manual configuration, all modern IDEs offer advanced Maven integrations. So feel free to use Eclipse, IntelliJ, or any other IDE to write your code, while leveraging Maven to standardize the way you work on Alfresco in your organization
  • Dependencies, POMs, Javadoc and Sources support - provided by the Alfresco Artifacts Repository - for all Alfresco Artifacts; Sources / Javadocs are automatically downloaded on demand by your IDE Maven integration (e.g. see m2eclipse)
  • Process ready, as it scales from quick start rapid application development, to be seamlessly integrated in enterprise devleopment processes like Continuous Integration and Release
  • Clean and readable, with a single entry point for all SDK functionalities
  • Advanced build functionality, inherited by your parent POMs you can use embedded databases and j2ee containers with a zero configuration approach
  • One mvn command to generate, one mvn command to run embedded, this is all you need to do to have a local Alfresco running on an empty laptop
  • Supports community and enterprise seamlessly, allowing to switch one between versions / edition easily.